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Exploring La Paz

Mexico day twelve

View Mexico 2024 on ToonSarah's travel map.

On the Malecón, La Paz

It had taken nearly two weeks but we seemed finally to be adjusting to the time difference here! We slept a bit later than we had been doing and when we got up I took advantage of the coffee machine in our room at the Posada de las Flores to make myself a cup to enjoy while getting ready for the day. Just as well, as the coffee at breakfast (served in the pretty courtyard) was very weak! Mexican hotels seem to cater for US tastes in coffee, unfortunately. However the rest of the breakfast was great – fresh fruit, granola and yoghurt, followed by cheesy quesadillas.

We'd decided to forego the planned boat trip to Espiritu Santo Island in favour of a more chilled day around town. Neither of us are keen snorkellers (I enjoy it in theory but sometimes struggle to manage the mask etc.) and we have two more boat trips planned for later in the week. The hotel manager (?) kindly called the company on our behalf to cancel.

Instead we spent much of the day on a leisurely wander around La Paz. We started with a walk along the sea front or Malecón, photographing the many sculptures all themed around the sea, and the pelicans and other seabirds.

Seabirds near the Malecón

Pelicans on a boat

Pelican on a boat






Sculptures on the Malecón

We then turned inland a few blocks in search of street art, which we found, as well as a great coffee in a little café/art gallery.





Street art in La Paz

On the table in the café/art gallery

We reached the Jardin Velasco with its shady palm trees. On one side is the Museo de Arte de Baja California Sur, in an attractive building facing the cathedral across the square.


The Museo de Arte de Baja California Sur

It was free to enter although we were only allowed to take photos with our phones. I found a lot to enjoy among the different artists exhibiting, most of all a huge mural by Victor Cauduro called The Color of Time, with four sections themed around periods of the region’s history.

In the museum

One of my favourite pieces

Exhibition of photographs of Mexican people, all taken from behind




The Color of Time

The Color of Time - stitched panorama of the complete piece

Afterwards we popped inside the cathedral which is relatively plain but had some interesting touches.


In the cathedral

We then spotted an attractive shop featuring arts and crafts by local artists and others from elsewhere in Mexico. The owner was friendly, and I couldn’t resist buying a little glass hummingbird which reminded me of those we'd seen at the Mirador Hotel. She wrapped it really carefully in layers of tissue paper and we just had to hope it would get home in one piece (we did!)

In La Casa Parra Gallery

After this we sought out an ATM before getting ice cream at La Michoacana on the sea front, which was very good.

La Michoacana

Street art near the sea front

We looped around a few more streets, taking in some craft stalls (nothing appealed however). We then walked back to the hotel along the Malecón, taking more photos of pelicans, boats and other scenes. By the time we got back I was ready for a rest!

Heron and other sea birds

On the beach

We spent part of the afternoon enjoying a cold drink in the hotel’s roof terrace with great views of the sea and passing frigate birds. In the evening we had dinner at Tailhunters, a sea front bar a few blocks away. We enjoyed the view of all the activity on the Malecon from our upstairs seating, the reggae music and the food (burger for Chris, fish tacos for me), though the portions were really too big!


Sunset on our way to dinner

Posted by ToonSarah 08:37 Archived in Mexico Tagged art birds boats sunset coast mexico cathedral seaside street_art seabirds herons

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I think a leisurely wander around on your own is often the best way to spend the day. It's definitely more relaxing than being on a tour.

by irenevt

Hi Irene :) We enjoyed the tours we did in Mexico and had some great guides (on the whole!) but after quite a lot of travelling we needed a more relaxing day, and this was perfect!

by ToonSarah

That's just how a holiday should be. sounds like an amazing place and I really love the pictures. I am craving for a holiday just watching them! 😎😎😎

by Ils1976

Hope you have a holiday planned real soon Ils!

by ToonSarah

I do actually, but it is at the end of July. I am going to Morocco for a week since I don't have any free days left, so really looking forward to that one and then it is dreaming for other destinations in 2025! :) :)

by Ils1976

Ah, Morocco will be great! I'm lucky now that I don't have to worry about getting time off work so my next trip is in two weeks - the Virtual Tourist meeting in Kotor, preceded by a smaller one in Split :)

by ToonSarah

Looking forward to reading all about that ... Yep, still many years to go, but, I hope to enjoy the same worry free time in 20 years time ... it is still so far away, but I hope I get enough time to travel when we reach that date! :) :) :)

I hope to visit Kotor next year and I really loved Split, so I am sure you are going to like it as well! :) :)

by Ils1976

Yes, I've always wanted to visit SPlit so I'm excited to see it!

by ToonSarah

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